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Real Web Marketing Offers Free Ebook on Video Production


(Entertainment-NewsWire.com, November 30, 2024 ) LOS ANGELES: Real Web Marketing Inc. (https://www.realwebmarketing.net), a website marketing company located in Southern California, has announced that it is offering a free ebook on video production.

The ebook is entitled “The Business Owners Guide to Getting Your Video Produced.” The ebook covers 7 types of video, production tips for video, video quality and equipment, video editing, where to post your video, and YouTube advertising.

The ebook can be downloaded at https://realwebmarketing.net/video-production-ebook/.

John Eberhard, President of Real Web Marketing, stated “A recent study by Doubleclick found that people are 4-7 times more likely to respond to dynamic audio-visual content than static content. Video has become one of the most important tools to use in marketing today. People digest video better and more easily than print. Companies that are making videos about their products and services are able to communicate better about their offerings, and so are poised to better compete in today’s marketpolace.”

John Eberhard has been involved in marketing for a wide variety of businesses for 35 years. Real Web Marketing Inc. was founded in 1999 in the Los Angeles area, and has clients all over the U.S, in a wide variety of fields such as health care, consulting, construction, home improvement, skin care, debt counseling, personnel recruitment, court reporting, attorneys, business consulting, restaurants, drug rehabilitation, publishing, software, residential and commercial real estate, dance instruction, tax services, plumbing, tree nurseries, landscaping and many others. The services offered by Real Web Marketing Inc. include SEO, landing page development, video production, pay-per-click campaign management, website design, social media marketing, link building, online PR, print design, and market research. The company is also a Google Partner and is Google Ads Certified. The company can be reached at 661-441-2429, or on their website at https://realwebmarketing.net.

Real Web Marketing, Inc.

John Eberhard



Source: EmailWire.Com

Source: EmailWire.com

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